Culpa Innata

An adventure game set in an elitist utopia, where political correctness, xenophobia and promiscuity all go hand in hand.


Culpa Innata (Latin for Innate Sin) is an adventure game by Momentum AS, a Turkish developer. The graphics are fully rendered 3D and the game is of the third person point-and-click variety. Its non-linear design allows for exploring locations and talking to people in an order chosen by the player. The choices made by the player will ultimately affect how the game ends.

The player takes the role of World Union Peace Officer Phoenix Wallis, who (in the year 2047) is charged with the task of investigating a murder, a crime almost unheard of in the perfect society of the World Union. The World Union is a super capitalistic society encouraging total selfishness and sexual promiscuity, contrasted by the Rogue States who cling onto a traditional system of nation states, and conservative values and customs such as altruism and marriage.