Jet Moto 2

Futuristic hoverbike racing taken to the next level. Bigger, tougher, more diverse and memorable courses meet an even higher difficulty level. Saddle up with your favorite corporate sponsor, this is Jet Moto 2.


Players ride through hellfire in Nebulous
Players ride through hellfire in Nebulous
The sequel to the original hit Jet Moto was as much of an improvement as its fans had hoped it would be.  A reduction in the amount of team riders was not a big loss and was compensated with 10 completely new and imaginative courses as well as the entire track lineup from the first game.  The new tracks were longer, harder, and much more of a spectacle than those in the original, and as a result the game was received well by fans and critics alike.


A flowing river pushes players downstream in Hotshot
A flowing river pushes players downstream in Hotshot
The original Jet Moto seemed like a relatively low budget game due to the fact that the developers had re-used the same assets to create the different courses, meaning players would see the same tree sprites and snow textures and freeway debris in as many as three courses each.  For the sequel, each course was made to feel unique by having a dedicated theme that made each course stand out from the rest and make it memorable.  Assets seemed to be recycled much less frequently which helped to make the game feel like a more complete package.

The difficulty was also ramped up considerably in some of the later courses, and many would argue that this was an unnecessary improvement over the original game (which was very difficult in its own right).  Suicide Tracks also made an appearance in the sequel and, making it a franchise tradition, a truly hellish final course was also included.

The new courses, in order of ascending difficulty, are as follows:

Slickrock Gorge

Slickrock Gorge course layout
Slickrock Gorge course layout


Meltdown course layout
Meltdown course layout


Aftershock course layout
Aftershock course layout

Arctic Blast

Arctic Blast course layout
Arctic Blast course layout

Hot Shot

Hot Shot course layout
Hot Shot course layout

The Shaft

The Shaft course layout
The Shaft course layout


Rollercide course layout
Rollercide course layout


Ka-Ma-Te course layout
Ka-Ma-Te course layout

Mach Schnell

Mach Schnell course layout
Mach Schnell course layout


Nebulous course layout
Nebulous course layout

Teams and Riders

One of the only features to be scaled back from the original game is the number of team riders.  Some characters make a return and some new ones make an appearance for the first time, making a total of 11 riders for players to choose from (one of which being an unlockable).  In addition, players could no longer filter their choices by selecting a team and then deciding on a rider within that team, rather the new selection process was a simple linear jumble of all the available riders in no apparent order.

Some examples of the riders from each of the five teams:

Team Atlantic Technology

Li'l Dave
Li'l Dave

Team Axiom


Team Dragon


Team Jet Ski

Wild Ride
Wild Ride

Team Mountain Dew


PlayStation Network

The game is available on the American PlayStation Store for $5.99