What Remains of Edith Finch

Edith Finch returns to her old familial home to discover the stories that have been kept from her. The stories of how generations of her family have died early of unrelated, but often kooky, causes.


What Remains of Edith Finch is game developed by Giant Sparrow, and released for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in 2017, followed by a Nintendo Switch port in 2019. Limited quantities of a region-free PS4 physical edition of the game were published by iam8bit.

The game is a collections of short stories based on a family from Washington state. Players control Edith Finch, who is coming back to the house she grew up in. As she explore the house she finds stories of each family member and how they died.


One of the developers, Ian Dallas, explained in an interview with Gamespot - when someone in the Finch family dies, the room they lived in has its door closed. This serves as a monument to that person. As time has gone on, the house was expanded to accommodate for this. Each floor of the house equates to one generation of the family, with a new floor being for subsequent generations.

One of the first stories in the game is called "The Hunger of Molly Finch". Molly, a 10 year old girl, wakes up starving. She's so hungry she starts to imagine her self becoming different animals. As her hunger grows, she continues to eat bigger and bigger prey.