
The second remake of Cyan Worlds' landmark 1993 adventure game, now rebuilt on the ground up for VR headsets.


Myst, not to be confused with the original 1993 game of the same name, is a fantasy, first-person, puzzle-adventure game developed and digitally published by Cyan Worlds for the Oculus Quest on December 10, 2020.

The second remake of the 1993 point-and-click adventure game Myst (after realMyst), Myst features a new real-time 3D engine built on Unreal Engine 4, revamping the graphics while adding better support for VR headsets.

It was later released for the PC and Mac, as well as the Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One, on August 26, 2021. It was also released for iOS devices on February 9, 2023.